I’m getting a lot of feedback from teachers about the large spread of maths abilities in their TY classes. This causes difficulties not only in teaching classes where a good proportion of the class are lost while others are frustrated at the slow pace of the class.
Teachers are suggesting strategies for homework or personal practice using buildup assignments where strong students can push ahead and struggling students can practice more basic concepts and skills.
Setting Assignments
First choose Assignments from your Teacher Dashboard.
Create New Assignment
You can create a new assignment in the top right hand corner of the page.
Students Choice
When setting assignments you can still set it for the whole class, but be sure to choose “Student’s Choice” when setting an assignment type.
Add Comments
You can add comments to direct different students to different starting points.
What Students See
Students will see these comments on their homework at the top of their dashboards.
Personalised Homework
And they can get their work done on homework which is personalised for them.
Student Achievement
It is then clear to students on their dashboard that they have completed their assigned work and they can continue on if they wish on other parts of the course.
We are always delighted to receive feedback and ideas from teachers so please keep sending in your thoughts especially on how you use assignments in TY to support@buildup.ie